Caregiver tips

10 caregiver tips for the holidays

The holiday season can bring festive activities and emotions for many families. For those caring for a loved one living with Alzheimer’s or dementia, it can be a time of uncertainty and additional stress. Extra events, atypical schedules and new visitors can increase confusion or agitation in these homes. Here are 10 tips from our Grace Place Alzheimer’s Activity Centers program staff to help caregivers better manage the holidays in a merry way.

You can download the tips as a PDF here.

1)   Quiet places during a gathering are so important. Make sure to have a quiet space at any gathering where people can come to greet and visit the senior.

2)   Incorporate favorites! Whether it’s bringing along or having on hand favorite snacks, a cozy sweater, or even a comfortable blanket or chair.

3)   Celebrate the holidays with traditional foods, activities and music. Keeping choices simple and not too overwhelming is best.

4)   Include exercise as part of the day. Enjoyable and fun activities such as chair volleyball, active sing-along with clapping, and Sittercise all count!

5)   Provide plenty of opportunities for rest between events or gatherings.

6)   Help children adapt to seniors. Children are a wonderful part of family gatherings but may have high energy. Talk with children before visits to overcome fears and encourage positive interactions. Care should be taken to not overwhelm seniors with too much noise or activity.

7)   Visits and outings during the holidays should be kept brief and simple. Staying closer to home is ideal whenever possible.

8)   If possible, host the holiday gathering at home and keep it small, quieter and relaxed.

9)   Remember that smiles and laughter are contagious! Laughter is good for everyone, both the caregivers as well as the senior.

10) Just ask! Don’t forget to ask your loved one what would make them feel most comfortable or comforted during times of lots of activity.

Grace Place Activity Center Closures

We appreciate your support as we work through to the COVID-19 public health emergency and the continued closure of our Grace Place Alzheimer’s Activity Centers.

With vaccines readily available, many are asking when Grace Place will re-open?

We are looking forward to re-opening Grace Place. We are working on finding new homes for Grace Place to ensure we are serving the entire community’s need. Grace Place will not open for regular daily attendance until we feel confident the community we serve will be safe for daily in-person gatherings resembling pre-pandemic conditions.

Please know that an at-home Grace Place service is in development to include assessments, activities, and caregiver support, provided by trained and qualified Grace Place staff.

In the meantime, we will continue to:

  • Host a monthly support group  
  • Virtually meet weekly for Grace Notes, our choir for those living with Alzheimer’s and dementia and their care givers
  • Provide and enhance caregiver resources and support through partnerships with the Alzheimer’s Association, UT Health, and others
  • Regularly distribute activity packets for at-home activities for caregivers and their loved ones
  • Identify and develop ways to serve the community until we find new homes for Grace Place

If you have specific questions about anything related to Grace Place service please do not hesitate to reach out to Christina Avena, Grace Place Director, by email or phone: 210.735.5115 x1002.

Thank you for trusting the care of your loved ones with Grace Place.

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At this time we are fortunate to have regular volunteers from local nursing school and programs. Please fill out the contact form if you would like to reach out about any ideas you might have.