Meals on Wheels San Antonio is here to help you find the services or resources you need. Please call 210-735-5115 if you have any questions and speak to one of our Client Support Specialists 7:30 a.m - 4:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 7:30 a.m - 3:30 p.m. on Friday. We are happy to help!
Meals on Wheels San Antonio Client Services currently provides the following services and items to clients who qualify for home-delivered meals. Services are based on the availability of funding, and some additional eligibility requirements may apply.
- Meal Delivery
- Emergency Meals
- Nutrition Information
- Senior Center Meals
- AniMeals - Pet Food Delivery
- Friendly Visitor - Senior Friendship
- Comfy Casas - Home Safety
Dial 911 for emergency response.
An emergency is any life-threatening or potentially life-threatening situation.
Non-emergency numbers
Same-day wellness checks to ensure a person’s safety and health, especially when concerns have to do with an isolated elderly person or person with disabilities, when a person or family is struggling to meet their basic needs or may be in danger, unsafe, or unsanitary conditions.
San Antonio Police Department: 210-207-7273
SAPD dispatches nearby patrol units for safety, health, and unsafe environmental concerns.
San Antonio Fire Department: 210-207-7744
SAFD also provides safe and qualified lift assistance for a person who has experienced a fall. Do not try to lift someone without trained emergency personnel. Doing so may result in additional injuries to a person who has fallen.
Bexar County Sheriff’s Office: 210-335-6000
Bexar County Sheriff’s Office responds to non-emergency situations in unincorporated areas of Bexar County.
Adult Protective Services: 1-800-252-5400
APS investigates abuse, neglect, and exploitation of adults who are elderly or have disabilities and who live in the community. Any adult who has a disability or who is age 65 or older that is in a state of abuse, neglect, or exploitation may be eligible to receive adult protective services.
Victims of abuse, neglect, or exploitation may get short-term help with shelter, home repairs, food, transportation, managing money, medical care, home healthcare services, and mental health services.
Additional Resources
Alamo Area Council of Governments: 210-362-5200
Includes comprehensive senior resources
Alamo Service Connection: 210-477-3275
Provides connection to services and resources for people over the age of 60 assistance applying for benefits like Social Security, Medicaid, and SNAP. Alamo Service Connections also can help with home repair, transportation services, health services, and more.
Alzheimer’s Association, 24/7 Helpline: (800)272-3900 and Alzheimer's Association Community Resource Finder to search for everything from home care to residential placement
City of San Antonio Emergency Services Centers: 210-207-7830
Provides low-income families and individuals with utility assistance, assistance applying for food stamps and Medicaid, and more.
United Way: 211
Provides assistance with food, clothing, shelter medical/dental care, legal help, veteran services, income tax preparation, smoke detectors, free box fans for seniors, and more.
San Antonio Food Bank: 210-431-8326
Provides food assistance, SNAP benefits assistance, Medicaid benefits assistance, pet food assistance, and senior grocery and nutrition education programs.
Alamo Veteran’s Network: 1-888-724-8387
Assists service members, veterans, and their families in the Alamo Area and surrounding counties with veteran benefits, food, housing, health, legal, social enrichment, transportation, and utility services.